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eLos Skin Tightning

eLos Skin Tightning

Regular price $225.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $225.00 CAD
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Our Sublime Treatment will comfortably reverse the signs of aging and achieve a more youthful appearance without downtime. The combined energies to produce a gentle heat to the lower layers of the skin which effectively stimulates collagen production and improves your overall skin quality in areas that are most telling when it comes to age, such as the cheeks and around the neck. It is used to lift and firm the lower cheeks and the jowl area beneath the chin.

The effects are immediately visible for a few days after treatment. But with continued sessions, collagen will continue to build, helping maintain a youthful appearance.

Sublime combines infrared light (700-2000nm) with bipolar conducted radiofrequency. The combination of light energy and radiofrequency energy is used to deeply heat layers of the skin while protecting the surface of the skin simultaneously. Medium to deep heating of the skin activates fibroblasts signaling new collagen to form and existing collagen to tighten. This will cause immediate collagen contraction as well as new collagen production which will occur over a 4-6 month period.
Sublime may be very mildly uncomfortable during treatment but this should not persist after treatment. It can feel like a “ grab and pinch” toward the end of each pulse. This is a no downtime treatment and you will be able to return to your activities and work the same day. Your skin may appear to be slightly flushed after the procedure but makeup and/or sunscreen may be applied immediately. Any visual signs should dissipate within a few hours and rarely persists longer than that. Cooling of the surface of the skin will provides enhanced safety as well as additional comfort throughout the treatment.
For best results, we suggest 3-5 treatments at weekly intervals and a maintenance treatment is generally recommended every 6 months.
Results are cumulative and you can expect decreased sagging at the jawline, a more toned central cheek area, and a firmer, less lax neck. Fine lines and wrinkles will also be improved and this treatment will leave you with a smoother and more uniform complexion.
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