Earth represents the solid state of matter. In the mind it provides that same permanence and endurance. The Earth element symbolizes being grounded and secure, thus providing strength and comfort. It is linked with the Root Chakra and its association with skeletal structure, large intestines, kidneys, blood, legs, feet, genitals and mental and immune health. From a hormonal gland perspective it is associated with the sexual and adrenal glands. The Root Chakra is the energy center within us that gives us our confidence and sense of belonging.Ingredients : Rooibos Tea, St Johns Wart, Cinnamon, Burdock Root, Ginseng, Horsetail, Schisandra Berries and Cloves.
Steep and Sip Herbal Wellness Tea
Supports Physically – Legs, Feet, Kidneys, Blood, Skeletal Structure, Large Intestines
Supports Emotionally – Confidence, Feelings of Stability, Control of Anger and Frustration
Element – Earth (Balancing and Soothing)
Chakra- Root Chakra